Reached 1.3M Users & Generated Over 46k Engagements

Organic Social
Influencer Marketing
Client: Vivense
IMG 2174
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The Client

Vivense is a furniture eCommerce brand we already work with for Organic Social.

Client Goals:

  • Create an Influencer Marketing campaign to generate brand awareness and increase engagement on their Instagram account.

  • We also wanted to create a bank of assets because everything we had was product imagery from the client that does not perform well on social.

What We Did

We created a trial campaign to see which kind of influencers worked best for them (we included from nano to macro-influencers).

We sourced a bespoke list of influencers within the house decor and interior design niche, with an engagement rate above 3%.

We asked them to create feed posts (static & Reels) and stories to generate awareness, as well as to create a bank of assets.


  • Reached more than 1.3M users.

  • Generated over 46k engagements.

  • Achieved an overall 4.09% engagement rate.

  • The influencers over-delivered content.

  • Lowered the cost per engagement to £0.12 p/e.

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